Favorites Wishlist

Version 6.0.1

Copyright © 2015-2023, Vinos de Frutas Tropicales, contact me here. Current Support Thread on GitHub: https://github.com/lat9/favorites_wishlist_support

Plugin Information: https://vinosdefrutastropicales.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2_8&products_id=56


  1. Be sure to review the instructions for either installing or upgrading your Favorites Wishlist installation! This is especially important for v6.0.0 (and later) if you're doing an initial install or upgrading from a Favorites Wishlist version prior to v6.0.0; see this section for details.
  2. Starting with v6.0.0 of the plugin, only Zen Cart Versions 1.5.7a and later are supported; the minimum PHP version now supported is PHP 7.3. Note, too, that the site's storefront template must now load a version of jQuery for proper operation.


This plugin, modelled after the like-named feature of a major Internet retailer, provides your customers with a Favorites Wishlist where they can save their favorites and then share those favorite selections with friends and family. A customer's favorites can be easily moved between their Favorites Wishlist and their shopping cart.

When a customer arrives at your store, they are presented with a My Favorites link in the top navigation header. On each product's detailed information page, the add-to-cart block includes an Add to Favorites button. Only account-holders at your store have access to Favorites Wishlists (either theirs or a shared wishlist) and they must be logged into your store to complete this access.

You use the Configuration :: Favorites Wishlist settings to control whether a listing or center-box contains an "Add to Favorites" link for each product in the list.

This plugin is installed on my Zen Cart 1.5.8a demo site; you can access my favorites using this link: https://zc158.vinosdefrutastropicales.com/zc158/index.php?main_page=favorites&fc=3:7791f29012cc5328ff5b3f52b818a37c … after logging in or creating an account.

Starting with v6.0.0 of Favorites Wishlist, the majority of the documentation is now on-line in the plugin's public support-thread's `wiki`.

Installation and Upgrading

v6.0.0 (and later) "Hand-Edits" Required

Starting with v6.0.0, the overrides required in your site's default template (i.e. the /includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE directory) have been removed. Instead, jQuery modules provided by this plugin add the required links, buttons and additional forms as required.

There is one possible exception, /includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/templates/tpl_shopping_cart_default.php. The version of that module provided in Zen Cart 1.5.8a and the supported version of the Bootstrap-4 template (v3.5.2 and later) already includes the code required to enable the Favorites Wishlist additional display on the shopping_cart page. If your site's template is based on one of those templates, you're good-to-go; otherwise, you'll need to review your version of that module and add the required code.

See this on-line documentation for additional information.

Initial Installation

This plugin makes changes to your database; you should always backup your cart's database and files prior to making any changes.

  1. Rename the YOUR_ADMIN directory to match your Zen Cart's secret admin directory name.
  2. Rename the YOUR_TEMPLATE directory (one of them) to match your store's currently-active template directory:
    1. /includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE
  3. Log into your Zen Cart's admin console.
  4. Copy the new and merged files to your cart's file-system:
    1. /images/icons/favorites.png (Added in v1.1.0)
    2. /includes/auto_loaders/config.favorites.php
    3. /includes/classes/class.favorites.php
    4. /includes/classes/observers/auto.favorites_restore_product_attributes.php (Added in v3.0.1)
    5. /includes/extra_cart_actions/favorites_wishlist_actions.php
    6. /includes/extra_datafiles/favorites_file_database_names.php
    7. /includes/functions/extra_functions/favorites_wishlist_functions.php (Added in v4.0.0)
    8. /includes/init_includes/init_favorites_wishlist.php (Added in v3.0.0)
    9. /includes/languages/english/favorites.php
    10. /includes/languages/english/extra_definitions/favorites_extra_definitions.php
    11. /includes/languages/english/html_includes/define_favorites.php
    12. /includes/languages/english/html_includes/define_favorites_other.php
    13. /includes/modules/pages/favorites/header_php.php
    14. /includes/modules/pages/favorites/jscript_main.php
    15. /includes/modules/pages/shopping_cart/header_php_favorites.php
    16. /includes/modules/pages/shopping_cart/jscript_favorites.php (Added in v3.0.0)
    17. /includes/templates/bootstrap/common/tpl_favorites_wishlist_selectors.php (Added in v6.0.0)
    18. /includes/templates/bootstrap/css/stylesheet_favorites.css (Added in v6.0.0)
    19. /includes/templates/bootstrap/templates/tpl_favorites_default.php (Added in v6.0.0)
    20. /includes/templates/bootstrap/templates/tpl_modules_favorites_products.php (Added in v3.0.0)
    21. /includes/templates/bootstrap/templates/tpl_modules_favorites_shopping_cart.php (Added in v6.0.0)
    22. /includes/templates/bootstrap/templates/tpl_modules_favorites_sc_move_button.php (Added in v6.0.0)
    23. /includes/templates/template_default/buttons/english/add_favorites_to_cart.gif
    24. /includes/templates/template_default/buttons/english/add_to_favorites.gif
    25. /includes/templates/template_default/buttons/english/move_to_cart.gif
    26. /includes/templates/template_default/buttons/english/remove_favorites.gif
    27. /includes/templates/template_default/buttons/english/share_favorites.gif
    28. /includes/templates/template_default/common/tpl_favorites_wishlist_selectors.php (Added in v6.0.0)
    29. /includes/templates/template_default/common/tpl_jscript_favorites_wishlist.php (Added in v6.0.0)
    30. /includes/templates/template_default/images/icons/move.png
    31. /includes/templates/template_default/jscript/favorites_groups.js (Added in v3.0.0)
    32. /includes/templates/template_default/jscript/favorites_groups.min.js (Added in v3.0.0)
    33. /includes/templates/template_default/jscript/favorites_page.js (Added in v3.0.0)
    34. /includes/templates/template_default/jscript/favorites_page_bootstrap.min.js (Added in v6.0.0)
    35. /includes/templates/template_default/jscript/favorites_page_bootstrap.js (Added in v6.0.0)
    36. /includes/templates/template_default/jscript/favorites_page.min.js (Added in v3.0.0)
    37. /includes/templates/template_default/templates/tpl_favorites_default.php
    38. /includes/templates/template_default/templates/tpl_modules_favorites_products.php (Added in v3.0.0)
    39. /includes/templates/template_default/templates/tpl_modules_favorites_shopping_cart.php
    40. /includes/templates/template_default/templates/tpl_modules_favorites_sc_move_button.php (Added in v6.0.0)
    41. /includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/css/favorites.css
    42. /includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/css/stylesheet_favorites.css
    43. /YOUR_ADMIN/stats_favorites_wishlist.php
    44. /YOUR_ADMIN/includes/auto_loaders/config.favorites_admin.php
    45. /YOUR_ADMIN/includes/classes/observers/class.favorites_wishlist_admin_observer.php
    46. /YOUR_ADMIN/includes/extra_datafiles/favorites_file_database_names_admin.php
    47. /YOUR_ADMIN/includes/init_includes/init_favorites_wishlist.php
    48. /YOUR_ADMIN/includes/functions/extra_functions/zen_cfg_read_only.php (Added in v6.0.0)
    49. /YOUR_ADMIN/includes/languages/english/extra_definitions/favorites_wishlist_menu_names.php
    50. /YOUR_ADMIN/includes/languages/english/stats_favorites_wishlist.php
  5. Click the Admin Home link within your Zen Cart's admin console. This causes the plugin's initialization script to run, making the database changes required by the plugin.
  6. Navigate to the newly-created Configuration :: Favorites Wishlist. Enter your site's Shared Wishlist Secret Phrase and then set Enable Favorites Wishlist? to true.

Upgrading an Existing Installation

Upgrading Favorites Wishlist is easy. Normally, the plugin's updates to template-override files don't require change from one version to the next, but sometimes it's unavoidable. Refer to this readme's File/Database Changes by Version to see if updates have occurred since you last installed or upgraded Favorites Wishlist. You can find your current Favorites Wishlist version by navigating to your Zen Cart admin's Configuration->Favorites Wishlist.

If an updated file is a template-override file, i.e. the file's name includes a YOUR_TEMPLATE directory, you'll need to merge the updated file's changes with the core- or template-file presently in your cart's file-system. Otherwise, that file is unique to the Favorites Wishlist plugin and you'll simply copy the updated file to your cart's file-system.

Note: I suggest either placing your site's storefront into Maintenance Mode or temporarily disabling the Favorites Wishlist when performing an upgrade. Depending on the number of files changed, the storefront can get "messy". Don't forget to undo that configuration change when you've got all the appropriate files installed!


Delete the new files you copied to your store's file-system, then copy and paste the contents of /docs/favorites_wishlist/uninstall/uninstall_favorites_wishlist.sql into your admin's Tools :: Install SQL Patches to remove the plugin's database changes.

Version and Change History:

Version History